Archive 2024


The “Cybernetics and Computer Engineering” is a quarterly multidisciplinary academic journal that publishes original research results in the following fields:

Informatics and Information Technologies 

Intelligent Control and Systems 

Medical and Biological Cybernetics 

The founders are the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of NASU and MESU and V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NASU. Certificate of registration of the print media KB № 12649-1533R (14.05.2007)

The journal is included in the list of the professional research publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) for PhD applicants in technical, biological, medical and physical-mathematical sciences (Category B).

The journal publications are licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-Noderivates International License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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1965 – a multidisciplinary collection of research papers published quarterly by the initiative of academician Victor Glushkov, the founder of the cybernetics studies in the USSR (in Russian, “Кибернетика и вычислительная техника»), ISSN print 0454-9910.

2007 – registration of the print version as a multilingual edition (Russian, Ukrainian, and English).

2014 – registration of the edition as an academic journal that publishes papers submitted in one of the three languages with abstracting in all three languages (ISSN print 0454-9910, online 2519-2205, DOI:

2019 – registration of the title in English “Cybernetics and Computer Engineering” – (ISSN print 2663-2586, online 2663-2586) of the academic journal that publishes papers in one of the two languages with abstracting in Ukrainian and English.
The publisher and printer of the journal “Cybernetics and Computer Engineering”, in accordance with the order of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of March 24, 2022 No. 158 “On the designation of the Publishing House “Akademperiodika” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a publisher of scientific journals, the preparation and publication of which is carried out within the framework of the Program of Support for the Journals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, is the Publishing House “Akademperiodyka” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.